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Weekly update: Katja Krasavice and Ufo361 collaborate on two brand new singles

New Releases

Katja Krasavice and Ufo361 have both made big waves this week with their new singles “Friendzone” and “No Hugs”. Krasavice has gone for an upbeat track with the latest single from her new album EURE MAMI, while Ufo sticks with his typical moody vibe, which finds a perfect complement in the dark video.

Meanwhile, OMG has released a statement track with “Wonneproppen”, where he reminds us that he is more than just a big baby: he’s an accomplished rapper. He’s already amassed 300,000 listeners a month, and if he can follow up on a productive 2020, it won’t be long before he reaches the top.

With their new album Wünsch mir Glück, Steiner & Madlaina seek to continue with their successful combination of indie, folk and pop that has seen them compared to First Aid Kit. “Heile Welt” offers a great insight into their politically-charged style.

Song of the week – FOTOS – “Giganten”

Indie rockers FOTOS burst on to the German indie scene in 2006 with their self-titled album, with “Giganten” emerging as the hit single.

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