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Art from Home 5: Tillmans rouses artists worldwide to charitable project

German artist Wolfgang Tillmans has started the project ‘2020 Solidarity’, which produces posters of artworks for cultural organisations and community projects that they can sell as part of their fundraising efforts. Tillmans was the first photographer and first German to win the Turner prize and he became an Academician at the Royal Academy in 2013.

Tillmans has rallied over 40 international artists to create posters for the project, which he then prints and distributes to the organisations, subsidising the costs himself. Beneficiaries include struggling venues such as Salon Zur Wilden Renate and Griessmühle, both key cultural hubs in Berlin. U.K. charity Hospital Rooms, which creates artwork for mental health facilities and works with the NHS, is also selling posters by Tillmans, Marlene Dumas, Andreas Gursky and Nicole Eisenman, check them outhere.

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